"You look at a baby, and it's so pure, and so free, and so clean. And adults are like, this mess of sadness and phobias..."
-Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
Doodled on By: Yours Truely
Photo By: Bong Sta. Maria
for her photoblog.

: for lack of a creative design name thing..
my website is finally up and running! i mean, it's been up for over a year now, but this time 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION' isn't plastered across the home page. the down side to this great news is; it's 5:49 AM, i haven't slept a wink, and my sleeping schedule is officially fucked. but at least i have my cute little website, and a design thing for Bong's photoblog! productivity is so rewarding!!
even if i drown in fatigue today.